HELENA, Mont. – Governor Greg Gianforte yesterday continued his 56 County Tour honoring veterans in Flathead County and touring a family farm in Lake County.
“It’s always an honor to meet and recognize our state’s outstanding veterans who live a life of service,” Gov. Gianforte said. “While we can never repay them, we can say thank you, and that’s what the Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation is all about.”

At the fifth ceremony this year recognizing recipients of the 2021 Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation, Gov. Gianforte presented awards to Roy Lee Kidder and Gary Thompson, both of Kalispell.
A veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Roy Lee Kidder served from 1954-1960. He has since served as a volunteer at the North West Montana Veterans Stand Down and Food Pantry, where the event was held, and given back in many other ways to the Kalispell community.
Gary Thompson served five years in the United States Navy from 1967-1971. He joined the Montana National Guard in 1978, where he served until 1986 before serving in the United States Army until 2002. Like Kidder, Thompson has volunteered at the North West Montana Stand Down and Food Pantry for over a decade.
The Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation recognizes outstanding Montana veterans who selflessly served in the U.S. Armed Forces and subsequently made a positive impact in their community.
Traveling to Lake County in the afternoon, the governor also toured Mission Mountain Organic Eggs, a family-run business adding value to local ag supply chains and providing the community with fresh and healthy Montana-raised products.

Mission Mountain Organic Eggs has grown from raising 1,500 laying hens to 9,000 laying hens, expanding their business to serve more customers while maintaining a fresh product. Mission Mountain Organic Eggs sells eggs on site and in a variety of grocery stores, from national retail storefronts to local food markets.